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On the west wand of the south gallery, the Deesis Mosaic, which is mostly said to have been made rein the 13th century, depicts Ioannes Prodromos (John the Baptist) on the right,

It was a wooden-roofed basilica, built on the site of a pagan temple. On the contrary to the popular belief, it was donated by Constantinus II not by Constantine the Great.

The marble used for the floor and ceiling welches produced hinein Anatolia (present-day eastern Turkey) and Syria, while other bricks (used rein the walls and parts of the floor) came from as far away as North Africa.

„и придохо[мъ] Г же въ Греки и ведодша нъı идеже служать Бу҃ своєму . и не свѣмъı на н҃бѣ ли єсмъı бъıли . ли на земли. нѣс̑ бо на земли такаго вида . ли красотъı такоӕ. и не дооумѣємъ бо сказати токмо то вѣмъı . ӕко ѡнъдѣ Бъ҃ с члв҃ки пребъıваєть . и єсть служба их̑ паче всѣхъ /л.об./ странъ . мъı оубо не можемъ забъıти красотъı тоӕ .

The angels rein the east were made of mosaics while the two angels hinein the west were deteriorated during the Eastern Roman Period and renovated as mural paintings.

I am trying to keep this article updated as it is specifically about Hagia Sophia. However, the phrase “enter quickly” hinein it can be misleading. For this reason, I will remove it.

Sultanahmet is also the place where traditional Turkish cuisine is best represented in Istanbul. The best restaurants hinein Sultanahmet Auf dem postweg can help you find the best cafes and restaurants hinein the area.

* Guided tours are made and highly recommended as Hagia Sophia has a history coming from thousands of years. As there is no entrance fee, guided tour prices dropped down.

It would remain so for many centuries, until being secularized rein 1934 by the Turkish Republic’s first president. hagia sophia tickets It welches converted into a museum a year later, a decision which remains controversial.

Visitors will swoon over the Byzantine gilded mosaics, hanging chandeliers, purple marble columns, Islamic calligraphic slates, and tiled seraphim. The existing structure is an architectural wonder in itself, having stood the test of time since the 6th century.

Hi Maud, yes you are right I forgot to remove an old phrase there. Thanks for drawing attention to this issue.

On other days, visit close to opening time, when there are fewer visitors. If you want to enter closer to closing time, you need to arrive an hour before the bürde Flugticket sales, so that’s 3 pm in winter or 4 pm in summer.

This allows us, as an independent travel network, to get you the same deals you expect with larger travel agencies.

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